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  the minderbinder review of books

The Premiere Resource for the One-Sentence Book Review

TMRB Masthead


Paul Fericano



Judy Vargas Lopez



Kennedy MacDonald


Reina Carlson, Sondra Duvalier, VJ Kuhl, Troy Nielsen, Nancy Stulberg, Ron Weiss

COPY EDITORS: Abby Burghar, Kent Curtis, Angelina Parenti, Ann Pasquale 

LEGAL EDITORS: Thelma Brooks, Rosa Campolindo 

ILLEGAL EDITORS: Francisco Cardenal, Elsa Müller 

STAFF REVIEWERS:  John Abel (JA), Anthony Altobelli (AA), Vicki Basenfelder (VB), Anne Bensen (AB), Larry Bettencourt (LB), Veronica Ruth Biggs (VRB), Rhonda Brewer (RB), Donna Boyle (DB), Tammy Jessica Cantwell (TJC), Reina Carlson (RC), Christopher Cerf (CC), Tony Cervelli (TC), Michel Choquette (MC), Billy Collins (BC), Sam Cooper (SC), Walt Danneman (WD), Andy Darlington (AD), William Davis (WD), Milo de Angelis (MDA), Alex DeFloria (ADF), Simone Del Rosario (SDR), Maria di Olivia (MDO), Sylvia Dombrink (SD), Oliver Donaldi (OD), Sondra Duvalier (SOD), Peter Elbling (PE), Ronald Elliott (RE), Carol Elzarian (CE), Louis Farrell (LF), Vern Ferguson (VF). Nancy Ferko (NF), Patricia Fanelli (PF), Melinda Fong (MF), Calle Gale (CG), Richard Grayson (RG), Mia Greenberg (MG), George Guida (GG), Garth Hansen (GH), Tony Hendra (TH), Cindy Higgins (CH), Lacey Gable Howard (LGH), Andrew i (Ai), Edward Katara (EK), Saanvi Khatoon (SK), Viktor Kiely (VK), Dave Kimbell (DK), Phyllis Klein (PK), Rick Kleinman (RKM), Monica Klimko (MK), klipschutz (k), Jack Kretch (JK), VJ Kuhl (VJK), Bill Lockhart (BL), Brenda J. Leon (BJL), Angelo Martinelli (AM), H. L. Mencken (HLM), Mark Montpass (MM), Ariana Mohajeri Petersen (AMP). Troy Nielsen (TN), Mycroft Partner (MP), Karla Pizzo (KP), Bruce Pryor (BP), Bob Quintis (BQ), Mary Rainaldi (MR), Francesca Rogers (FR), Clifford Shutes (CS), Don Skiles (DS), Laura Spiro (LS), Nancy Stulberg (NS), Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer (RWT), Amy Trousdale (AT), Frank Walton (FW), Ron Weiss (RW), James Whitehead (JW), Michelle Wick (MW), Seth Woo (SW), Leo Zeibak (LZ).

EDITORIAL CONTACT: Richard Wren, Piltchard & Wren Literary Agency

Beginning in 2022, TMRB became a paying market. Staff reviewers receive $1 (one dollar) for each one-sentence book review, limited to four reviews per reviewer/per year; select staff reviewers receive $15 (fifteen dollars) for a twelve month commitment of one review/per reviewer/per month. Interested in becoming a staff reviewer for TMRB? 

Query us at: yunewsservice(at)gmail(dot)com. In the subject field add: "TMRB / SR"

NOTE: The Minderbinder Review of Books employs several fat-checkers on staff. By submitting a one-sentence book review, all reviewers provide tacit consent for TMRB to copy edit, if necessary, no more than one word from their review before posting. TMRB may also consider it necessary to insert or remove a hyphen, change an en dash to an em dash (or vice versa) and/or change it back again. This policy strives to remain true to the core principles of TMRB and to honor the motto inspired by H.L. Mencken: "One too many words is one toke over the line." 

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